Tolani Maritime Institute2022-03-152022-03-152022-03http:// she stated that attractiveness of IR should be the factor, on which we have pay attention more. We have to take external support for professional design and customization of the IR. She pointed out that we have to refer national digital library of India (NDLI) for adding collection and uploading links on IR. She prefers to avoid violation of copyright, for that she told to upload only our copyrighted material and public domain documents. We should not promote unlawful websites and material.Dr. Sengupta has focused her speech on Institutional Repository and some other aspects such as plagiarism and copyright of the documents in IR. She explained the basic concepts of IR – Institutional Repository, such as what is IR and the difference between IR and Digital Library. She has nicely explained IR Collection, classification and Preservation of documents and also Access of Institutional Repository.enVisit of Dr. Shantashree Sengupta for Training on INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY AND IT'S BENEFITS FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND RESEARCH.Library ProfessionalDr. Shantashree SenguptaVisit of Dr. SenguptaSenguptaLRC Staff TraningVisit of Dr. Shantashree SenguptaLIS ProfessionalImage